About us

About us

We believe that our health depends on the right decisions.
We want to inspire these decisions by helping you take charge of your healthy lifestyle and well-being.
Our products combine innovative formulas and selected raw materials composed based on
the latest scientific research and in compliance with strict production standards.

Your health is and will continue to be a priority for us.

What makes us special?

We have created LABS212® to make your choice of a supplement not a compromise but an informed decision. Our mission is to make you become and stay healthy effortlessly in a way that is easy to understand, and, above all, safe.

Piktogram INNOWACJA_A4_2Innovative formulations

Piktogram NAJLEPSZA JAKOSC_A4Uncompromising selection of raw materials

Piktogram NAJLEPSZE_A4Ingredients with the best absorption

Piktogram NAJWYZSZE STANDARDY_A4 (1)Strict production standards

Piktogram BADANIE_A4Batch-to-batch testing

Piktogram ZERO WASTEZero waste

We have created LABS212® to make your choice of a supplement not a compromise but an informed decision. Our mission is to make you become and stay healthy effortlessly in a way that is easy to understand, and, above all, safe.

  • Innovative formulations
  • Uncompromising selection of raw materials
  • Ingredients with the best absorption
  • Batch-to-batch testing
  • Zero waste

Why have so many customers already trusted us?

Our Customers appreciate our unique approach and, most of all, our products simply work!

Each of our supplements is brought to life in response to our Patients’ needs. At the production stage, we analyse the available scientific research and then choose meticulously selected substances and raw materials. Next, we verify certifications and check clinical trials of patented ingredients paying attention to the quality of raw material carriers. Finally, the finished product is manufactured. Laboratory testing is another stage we attach great importance to subjecting the final product of each batch to analysis.


Why have so many customers already trusted us?

Our Customers appreciate our unique approach and, most of all, our products simply work!

Each of our supplements is brought to life in response to our Patients’ needs. At the production stage, we analyse the available scientific research and then choose meticulously selected substances and raw materials. Next, we verify certifications and check clinical trials of patented ingredients paying attention to the quality of raw material carriers. Finally, the finished product is manufactured. Laboratory testing is another stage we attach great importance to subjecting the final product of each batch to analysis.


Clean formulas

Transparent and safe composition.

When developing our products, great attention is paid not only to the active substances but also to the fillers that are linked to the production technology.

We guarantee:

  • clear and reliable product information labelling,
  • safe and proven constituents,
  • the traceability of our raw materials,
  • fibre and amino acid fillers,
  • no colouring agents, no artificial preservatives,
  • titanium dioxide-free, and ethylene oxide-free products,
  • products free of substances harmful to health.

Our Story

timeline 4

The idea

In healthcare, the information around our medicines and lab tests is either unavailable or incomprehensible to us.

So we decided to create a platform that stood for transparent, authentic and accessible information for all.

This idea grew into a company and Medilazar was created in 2015.


What we offer

We provide accurate, authoritative & trustworthy information on medicines and help people use their medicines effectively and safely.

We get medicines and other health products delivered at home in 1000+ cities across India from licensed and verified pharmacies.

We also provide diagnostic services from certified labs and online doctor consults at any time, from anywhere.


The journey so far

We’ve made health care accessible to millions by giving them quality care at affordable prices.

We continue to expand our rich and extensive medical content and are working hard to make this information available in multiple local languages.

Meet Our Free Medilazar

Retail Manager
Josefina O'Brien
Front Office
Mrs Marry
Customer Support
Roy Gomez
Marketing Manager

How we bring you closer to better health

Over the past three years, we've worked to build a healthcare platform that not only delivers medicine – but a platform that guides customers to the right and affordable care. Today, Medilazar is present in 1000+ cities– And we’re just getting started.

Creative Product

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Press & Media

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Career Opportunities

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Honors and awards


Wellness Awards

Top 3

Wellness Awards


Best New Product

Top 35

Innovative Awards

We Are Available. Interested in Collaboration?



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